We hope that, in this difficult time, everything goes well with you, your families and your employees. We will have to accept that our lives will be organised slightly different in the coming year. As well as the company structure and the way of selling.
To enable a more easier restart, we would like to offer you this support:
– A 3 monthly free use of our offer service
– 20 pieces of our Photo-book Extension Residence
– A distribution folder of 10 000 pieces
Offer service
We want to give our clients 3 months of free usage to get familiar to this service and to to give your salesmen more opportunities and tools to sell.
This service is a paying service to prevent abuse, but just like our commercial tools, it ‘s for FREE if used properly. You can read more about this in our special brochure.
Or you can learn more about it in our webinar , at various times in the coming weeks. In which you and your colleagues will receive further explanations and a demo.
The Brochure is to download by our client-zone on the website.
Webinar dates soon available by invitation.
Photobook Extension Residence
We want to offer each client 20 photobooks „Extension Residence“ for free.
This photobook can help your clients to imagine or point what they want. There is space enough to personalize the book with your companies logo and adress at the back.
If you need more photobooks you can easily order them in the client-zone of our website.
We are working on a new edition. After the measures are reduced we want to ask you, if you have nice pictures or addresses to create a new up to date picture tool to help your sales.
If you would like to receive this package of 20 books, please contact our commercial department
A4 Distribution folder
After the Lock-down, every company must restart their sales department by organising clients visits, opening showrooms, mailings, searching for new contact possibilities etc.
We thought, that the virus will block people to go on vacation and that they should spend their money more in their home. To change our product from a luxury item to , a necscessart investment as an upgrades of their homes, that will give them a holiday feeling.
To give an example we created an A4 flyer to show you how it could be. We offer you to print the first 10000 flyers. You can make your own A4 and deliver us the print file, or you can use ours where you only can change your company details and the pictures. The cost is settled as indicated in the rules of our commercial tools. For more details please ask our commercial department.
We hope that these proposals can help you slightly to restart your sales in a safe and healthy way. We believe they can make a difference.
Stay save!